
The Two Opposite IT Agendas

Published at August 17, 2009 ·  5 min read

The Problem I have been in the Information Technology (IT) field for a long time and most of that time has been spent in the development space. Each environment different from the previous one and in some cases there were huge gaps in the level of technology that was used and made available in each location. This has stumped me for a long time why this was. You go to a user group meeting and when ever the speaker was speaking about a technology that was current and he would conduct a quick survey around the room how many were using this technology, the results would be very mixed....

Who is the Boss

Published at June 21, 2008 ·  5 min read

For most of our lives we have a constant struggle to try to be the boss of ourselves. Does it ever happen? When you grew up as a child I am sure you have memories similar to mine where at some point in your life you were struggling to gain control of your own life. Could not wait to move out of the house and get out on your own, so that you could be the boss of you....